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mortgage subsidy中文是什么意思

用"mortgage subsidy"造句"mortgage subsidy"怎么读"mortgage subsidy" in a sentence


  • 按揭还款补助金


  • Monthly mortgage subsidy
  • Mortgage subsidy scheme
  • Eligible households are offered an interest - free loan of up to $ 800 , 000 , or a monthly mortgage subsidy of up to $ 5 , 100 for 48 months , to purchase their own homes . so far ,
    合资格的家庭可获高达80万元的免息贷款,或领取48个月每月高达5 , 100元的按揭还款补助金。
  • This initiative is also open to tenants affected by redevelopment and clearances as well as eligible junior civil servants . as an alternative , an eligible purchaser may opt to receive a mortgage subsidy of up to $ 162 , 000 over a period of six years
    计划的对象亦包括受重建和清拆计划影响的居民,以及合资格的初级公务员。合资格的人士可选择在六年内领取按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162 , 000元。
  • Mortgage subsidy scheme the mortgage subsidy scheme was implemented in september 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the hkha s comprehensive redevelopment programme and households affected by cottage area clearance exercises . under the scheme , eligible applicants buying hos or psps flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $ 162 , 000 over a period of six years
    为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清拆户自置居所,房委会于一九九八年九月推行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年内获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高达162 , 000元。
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